Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Education Level of American Presidents.

Education Level of American Presidents.

By Lono J. Kasina

Pursuing to the spirit of our publication “Educational Attainment of World’s Heads of State”, we have received several enquiries including a request for a breakdown of the analysis into each country, each region and each continent. To acknowledge our hungry readers we are quickly responding by showcasing for an example: The Educational Attainment of American Presidents.

From George Washington to Barack Obama, 43 great American Presidents have lead this country to what it is now, the world’s number one super-power. How they have done it? Some historians think they did it with courage, sacrifices, luck and so on. However, the one common trait that they have mostly ignored to analyze is “the level of education level achieved by each President, and that is where we come-in.

Before they came to the office, among the 43 American Presidents, it was found that 10, or 23 percent, had an elementary to high-school level of education; 22, or 51 percent, had a four-years college level of education; 4, or 9 percent, had a graduate (Master’s) level of education; and 7, or 17 percent, had a doctorate degree. The Annual Median year of education attained by all the American presidents is around 14 years.


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